Investment message of the mayor of the municipality
«Nukutskiy district»
Dear investors!
The municipality «Nukutskiy district» – the territory with huge resources and production potential, with unlimited possibilities for further economic and social development.
Priority directions of development of economy of Nukutskiy district are agriculture, industry, construction, and development services.
The district administration attached great importance to economic stability, prosperity of the population, providing comfortable conditions of residence, aims to conduct active activities aimed at attracting investors capable of implementing promising from the point of view of socio-economic development projects.
For 3 years the past years the economy of the region attracted more than 1.5 billion rubles.
This figure was a result of considerable work undertaken by local governments in specific areas to improve the investment climate, including the implementation of municipal investment standard. The implementation of this standard will enable businesses to significantly reduce time and financial costs associated with collaboration with the municipal authorities.
In the framework of implementation of the municipal standard was established the legal framework, which aims to support investment activities. Since 2013, under the Administration of the district there is a Board of investment. The work will contribute to creating favorable conditions for attracting investments in comparison with other territories. And the results are already there. Thus, the results of estimation of efficiency of activity of local governments of city districts and municipal districts of the Irkutsk region in 2015 our district became the best in group 4 in the category «Improving investment attractiveness of territories».
Nukutskiy district is open for new serious projects in various areas of business. We pay attention not only to the representatives of big business, but investors that are ready to implement small projects. We are ready to welcome both domestic and foreign investors and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation and comprehensive support in the realization of attractive business ideas from organizational basics to tax benefits. We are ready to do everything to potential investors in a profitable and comfortable to operate and grow their business on the territory of our district.
Look forward to seeing You and as kind guests and as business partners. I hope that our cooperation will be mutually, beneficial and multifaceted.
Sergey G. Gomboev,
The mayor of the municipality «Nukutskiy district»
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